Chen Xiaonan,Quan Xiaoqin,Jin Bangquan,et al.Purification of Corncob Pectin and Identification of Its Composition[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2015,15(04):075.
- 卷:
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- Title:
Purification of Corncob Pectin and Identification of Its Composition
- 作者:
陈晓楠1; 权晓琴1; 金邦荃1; 周 焙1; 胡 珏1; 王娴静1; 何艳苏1; 刘春泉2
(1.南京师范大学食品科学与营养系,江苏 南京 210097)
(2.江苏省农科院农产品加工研究所,江苏 南京 210014)
- Author(s):
Chen Xiaonan1; Quan Xiaoqin1; Jin Bangquan1; Zhou Bei1; Hu Jue1; Wang Xianjing1; He Yansu1; Liu Chunquan2
(1.Department of Food Science and Nutrition,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China)
(2.Institute of Farm Product Processing,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanjing 210014,China)
- 关键词:
半乳糖醛酸; 木糖; 鼠李糖; 纯化; 玉米芯果胶多糖
- Keywords:
D-galacturonic acid; xylose; rhamnose; purification; corncob pectin
- 分类号:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
为提高玉米芯经济利用价值,采用DEAE-Cellulose52柱层析法纯化粗制玉米芯果胶多糖,并解析其糖成分. 研究表明,适宜的阴离子柱层析条件为6 mL-4%-1.5 mL/min-4∶2(VdH2O∶VNaCl),得率可提高一倍以上,且产品为高纯度玉米芯果胶多糖. 其多糖成分由D-半乳糖醛酸(D-Galacturonic acid,D-GalA)、木糖(Xylose,Xyl)和鼠李糖(Rhamnose,Rha)构成,其中D-GalA达到49.23%,为主要成分;三糖含量合计为61.66%,为杂多糖. 玉米芯果胶多糖可应用于食品工业,也可开发出新型功能食品.
- Abstract:
In order to increase corncob’s economic availability,crude corncob pectin is purified by DEAE-Cellulose52 and its sugar composition is analyzed. The results show that optimum column conditions are 6 mL-4%-1.5 mL/min-4∶2(VdH2O∶VNaCl)for purifying corncob pectin. At this conditions,purified pectin yield is increased twice or more with highly pure. Corncob pectin contains three sugar composition at least,such as D-galacturonic acid(D-GalA),xylose and rhamnose,so corncob pectin belongs to heteropolysaccharide. D-GalA is a major composition,about 49.23% in purified pectin;while the content of three is 61.66%. Summing up,this corncob pectin can be used in food industry,and also in developing new functional foods for human.
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- 备注/Memo:
通讯联系人:金邦荃,博士,教授,研究方向:食品科学. E-mail:jinbangquan@njnu.edu.cn
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