 ZHANG Mei,JI Genlin,ZHU Yingwen.Semantic-based Relational Schema to XML Schema Translation through Denormalization[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2006,06(01):043-46.





Semantic-based Relational Schema to XML Schema Translation through Denormalization
南京师范大学数学与计算机科学学院, 江苏南京210097
ZHANG MeiJI GenlinZHU Yingwen
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
XML 关系模式 逆规范化 语义
XML relationa l schem a deno rm alization sem an tic
目前将关系模式转换为XML模式的方法往往不能保留数据库中原有的语义信息,为此对基于语义的关系模式向XML模式转换方法进行研究,提出了利用逆规范化实现基于语义的关系模式到XML模式转换方法.该方法映射关系模式到关系模式图,由关系模式图得到符合连接条件的表集合,根据关系类别在存在关联的关系模式之间建立连接,用一个结构复杂的关系取代几个结构简单的关系,按照不同的数据依赖关系将连接表和非连接表转换为不同结构的XML schema,将所有XML schema整合成一个XML schema.实验表明该方法对于保留语义约束、加强数据耦合可行有效.
Now m ost o fm ethods o f translating re la tiona l schem a to XML schem a cannot rem ain in trins ic sem antic inform ation o f relationa l database. This paper is based on the research for th is problem and presents a semantic based translating a lgor ithm th rough denorm a liza tion. Re lational schem a arem apped to relationa l cha rt. Tab le sets in acco rdancew ith the jo ining cond itions are ob tained from the chart. Assoc ia ted tables are jo ined accord ing to the classification, and seve ra l sim ple structure relationsh ips are replaced by a com plex one. Acco rd ing to the data dependent re lationship, an XML schem a is created for every jo ined tab le and disjo ined table. A ll schem as are integrated into one. Exper im ents show that the algorithm is v alid and effic ient fo r keep ing sem an tic restriction and strengthen ing coupling


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基金项目: 江苏省高校自然科学基金资助项目( 04K JB520075, 03K JD520117) .
作者简介: 张  梅( 1976-) , 女, 讲师, 主要从事XML信息集成和数据库系统等方面的教学与研究. E-m ail:zhangm e@i n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29