[1]刘继顺,宋铁成,叶芝慧,等.基于轮换簇头的多跳对等蓝牙Ad Hoc网络形成协议[J].南京师范大学学报(工程技术版),2006,06(03):018-22.
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基于轮换簇头的多跳对等蓝牙Ad Hoc网络形成协议




A Multi-hop Peer-to-peer Bluetooth Ad Hoc Networks Formation Protocol Based on Cycle-switching Cluster-head
东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室, 江苏南京210096
LIU JishunSONG TiechengYE ZhihuiSHEN Lianfeng
National Key Laboratory of Mobile Communications Research,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China
AdHoc网络 蓝牙 对等网络 网络形成
ad hoc netwo rks b luetooth pee r- to-peer netw orks form ation pro toco l
蓝牙是一种新型无线通信技术,它在物理层上采用跳频方式,能够使便携设备组成短距离无线自组织网络.但是节点地位不对等性制约着蓝牙技术在Ad Hoc网络中的应用.在研究现有网络形成协议基础上,提出基于轮换簇头思想,利用蓝牙规范中角色转换协议,分时轮换簇头,使每个节点地位完全对等,以克服蓝牙Ad Hoc网络的不对等性。同时,控制节点度数,引入一跳网桥,有效减少了数据转发跳数.详细描述了拓扑构建,微微网形成,微微网互连以及对等网络形成的规则.使用该规则可以不需所有蓝牙节点处于相互传输距离内而形成连通的多跳对等网络.通过对200个节点的仿真,结果表明该协议能够快速形成连通网络,且数据转发次数较少.
A s a prom ising new w ire less techno logy, Blue too th enables po rtab le dev ices to form short- range w ireless ad hoc ne tw orks based on a frequency hopping physical laye r, but asymm e try of nodes is a ser ious prob lem in app ly ing B luetooth technology into ad hoc ne tw orks. Based on the study on the present ne tw orks form ation pro tocols, w e descr ibe an idea of cycle-sw itch ing c luster-head to overcom e the asymme try o fB lue too th ad hoc netw orks. In this pape r, w e utilize sw itch- ro le protoco l in the spec ifica tion o f the B luetooth system to sw itch cluste r-head in tim e-sharing and form a mu lt-i hop peer-to-peer B luetooth ad hoc netwo rk. W e propo se to contro l node-deg ree and introduce one- hop br idge to reduce the number of data transm ission. W e define ru les for dev ice d iscovery, piconet fo rm ation, p iconet interconnec tion and peer- to-pee r ne tw orks form ation in de tai.l By using these ru les, we connect the protoco l fo rm s w ith m ult-i hop peer-to-peer netw orks w ithout requir ing the B luetooth dev ices to be a ll in each other transm iss ion range. The sim ulation results in ne tw orks w ith 200 nodes show that th is pro tocol can not only quick ly generate connected ne-t w orks but a lso effic iently reduce the num ber o f data transm ission.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目( 60472053) , 江苏省高新技术研究项目( BG2005001)和江苏省科技攻关重大项目( BE2004008) .
作者简介: 刘继顺( 1978-) , 硕士研究生, 主要从事无线网络通信的学习和研究. E-m ail:l iu jishunseu@ 163. com
通讯联系人: 宋铁成( 1967-) , 博士, 教授. 主要从事移动通信和无线多媒体通信的教学和研究. E-m ail:songtc@ seu. edu. cn.
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29