 HAN Hong,XU Mingli,WANG Yuping,et al.Utilization of Wastewater from the Production of Glycolic Acid[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2006,06(04):045-49.





Utilization of Wastewater from the Production of Glycolic Acid
南京师范大学化学与环境科学学院, 江苏南京210097
HAN HongXU MingliWANG YupingPENG Panying
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
废水 羟基乙酸 硫酸铵 浓缩结晶 络合萃取
w astew ater g lyco lic ac id amm onium sulfa te concentrated crysta llization process com plex ex traction
Apply ing concentra ted cry sta llization process to recla im amm on ium su lfate from the w astewa ter from the production of g ly co lic ac id, the paper stud ied the effects o f dehydra tion ratio to the recovery o f amm onium su lfate and abso rption loss o f g lyco lic ac id in amm on ium sulfa te crysta,l and ascerta ined the fitting recover ing techn ical cond itions. By w ay o f comp lex ex traction w ith PCW-6 ex tractant to recover g lycolic ac id from the w astew ater, the paper d iscussed d ifferent effects of each factor ( such as ac id ity, extractant concen tration, o il-wa ter ra tio, tem pe rature, and equilibr ium time) to the ex trac ting e ffic iency. U singNaOH so lution as str ipping agent, the paper stud ied the effec t o f N aOH dosage to the stripping e fficiency and so on, and ascerta ined and optim ized the exper im enta l cond itions. The result shows that under the ascerta ined cond itions the recov ery o f ammon ium su lfate approx im ates to 100%, and the percent recovery of g lyco lic ac id com es to 92%.


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作者简介: 韩红( 1979-) , 女, 硕士研究生, 主要从事环境科学的学习与研究. E-m ail: hh7902@ 163. com
通讯联系人: 彭盘英( 1952-) , 教授, 主要从事环境科学的教学与研究. E-m ail:pengpanying@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29