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Application of Fast Weight-check Sensor in Accumulator Electrode Pads Weight Checking and Sorting System
南京师范大学电气与自动化工程学院, 江苏南京210042
Xu LiangLi ChaoChen Ling
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
传感器 极板 称重 分拣
senso r pads w e ight-check so rting
In the production o f accumu la tors used in e lectromo tion bicycles, pads a re needed to be sorted by w eight. A im ed at this wo rk procedure, th is paper g ives am ethod of fast we ight- check and so rting fo r pads. Th is auto fastw e ightcheck and sorting m e thod fo r pads makes use o f non- rig idity- im pac t in term ittent m otion structure, fast dig ita l sensor, PLC, and pneum a tic ma teria l sending system to rea lize the fast w e ight-check and sorting for pads . The pr im ary pa rts d iscussed here are the inte lligent fast d ig ita lw eight- check sensor, its wo rk pr incip le, param ete rs setting, choo sing o f fi-l tering m ode, spring mode of data-co llecting, and the ca lculation and setting of the concussion time. The sensor avo ids e ffectively the actual we ight signal flooded by m echanical v ibrations caused by sorting m otion, and the inter ference from environm ent. The last part o f this paper discussed the communication m ode betw een the senso r and the upper contro ller ( PLC), the comm and m ode and data exchange mode of PLC w ith the senso r, and the debugg ing o f the system.


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通讯联系人: 李 超, 教授, 研究方向: 机电一体化工程. E-m ail: l ichao@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23