 Huang Saiping,Xu Ming.Recognition and Improvement of Identifying Code[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2009,09(02):084-88.





Recognition and Improvement of Identifying Code
南京工程学院计算机学院, 江苏南京211167
Huang SaipingXu Ming
School of Computer Engineering,Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211167,China
网络安全 验证码 识别 改进
network secur ity identify ing code recogn ition im provem ent
In a llusion to thew ide use of identify ing codes in internet security and identification authentication, the paper d iscusses the func tiona l pr inc iples o f identify ing codes and commonly used w ay s o f recognizing identify ing codes. Seg m enta tion and recogn ition exper im ents of identify ing codes arem ade. The experim ental results ind icated tha t the ex isting identify ing codes are no t effective in ensu ring the system security. An improved m ethod is propo sed in th is paper. Its prog ram is sim ple and effec tive, and the new ly gene rated identify ing codes can increase the d ifficulty o f recogn ition and decrease the accuracy o f dec ipherm ent. Thus, it has a good value of prom otion. Som e suggestions on identifying code design ing are g iven in the end of th is paper.


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基金项目: 南京工程学院科研基金( KXJ07040 )资助项目.
通讯联系人: 黄赛平, 硕士, 讲师, 研究方向: 计算机图像处理. E-m ail:lhuangsp@ n jit. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23