 Li Chuantong,Jia Hehua.Experimental Investigation on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Road Dust in Nanjing[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2009,09(03):028-32.





Experimental Investigation on Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Road Dust in Nanjing
南京师范大学动力工程学院, 南京江苏210042
Li ChuantongJia Hehua
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Najing 210042,China
路面积尘 粒径 热值 分形维数
road dust particle diam ete r calor ie va lue fracta l d im ension
采集了南京市区不同的路面积尘试样,进行了试样的粒径与元素的相应实验分析,得出了相应的粒径分布规律、元素组成和元素含量;并对路面积尘的应用基低热值和分形维数进行了分析和计算,其应用基低热值在5 385.0~7 366.6 kJ/kg之间,分形维数为2.302~2.541,为路面积尘的直接能源化利用和卫生填埋提供了依据.
Different sam ples o f road dust a re taken in N an jing c ity. Co rresponding exper im ents on pa rtic le d iam e ter and e lem en tal com ponents of these samp les are perform ed to obta in distributions o f particle d iam eters, elem enta l com ponen ts and leve ls. Low-ca lo rie-v alue o f arrived basis and fracta l d im ension o f road dust are com puted and analyzed where lowca lo rie-va lue o f arrived basis ranges from 5 385.0 kJ /kg to 7366.6 kJ /kg and fracta l dim ension fluctuates between 2.302 and 2.541. Th is prov ides fundam en tal informa tion for direct ene rgy utilization and san itary landfill of road dust.


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基金项目: 齐齐哈尔市生活垃圾管理与处理( K11330CY7B)资助项目.
通讯联系人: 李传统, 教授, 研究方向: 可再生能源和固体废物管理与处理. E-m ail:lict2003@ hotm ail.lcom
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23