 Hong Kui,Dou Wanfeng.A Design of Virtual Pair Programming Based on Distributed Network Environment[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2010,10(01):072-75.





A Design of Virtual Pair Programming Based on Distributed Network Environment
洪奎 窦万峰
南京师范大学计算机科学与技术学院, 江苏南京210097
Hong KuiDou Wanfeng
School of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
软件工程 结对编程 协同开发
softw are eng inee ring pa ir prog ramm ing co llaborative development
为有效地支持软件分布式开发,提高软件协同开发环境的易用性和有效性,从协同理论和应用工具方面入手,同时鉴于结对编程在软件协同开发应用中的实际价值以及在应用中出现的问题,提出一种基于分布式网络环境下的虚拟结对编程方案.该方案基于Microsoft Windows平台和Socket通信技术,通过C/S方式实现网络上两台机器之间通信.
In order to effective ly support the distr ibuted deve lopm ent o f so ftw are, improve ease of use and effectiveness o f so ftwa re deve lopm ent env ironm ent, this paper, starting w ith theory o f co llaboration and applica tion too,l and in v iew o f the real va lue of pa ir programm ing in softw are co llabo ra tive deve lopm ent, as we ll as the problem s in applica tion, proposed a v irtual pa ir programm ing prog ram based on distributed network env ironment. The program is based onM icroso ft W indow s platform and Socke t comm un ica tions technology, th rough C /S approach to achieve netw ork commun ica tion betw een two m ach ines.


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通讯联系人: 窦万峰, 博士后, 副教授, 研究方向: 分布协同软件工程. E-m ail:douwanfeng@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-02