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Modeling and Analysis of Nonlinear NCSs With Quantization(PDF)


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Modeling and Analysis of Nonlinear NCSs With Quantization
Chu Hongyan12Xia Chunmei1Fei Shumin2
1.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.School of Automation,South and East University,Nanjing 210096,China
quantization non linear ne tw orked contro l system T-S fuzzy m ode l
Th is paper is concerned w ith a prob lem of quan titzed con tro l for a c lass of non linearNCSs, wh ich can be represen ted by a T-S fuzzym ode l w ith interv al time-va ry ing network de lay. The influence between sensor and contro ller, and that betw een contro ller and imp lementor are taken into cons idera tion dur ing the process o fm ode l building. The cond itions fo r the sy stem stab ility can be represented by a se t of LM Is. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed m ethod, a nume rical exam ple is prov ided.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23