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A Risk Evaluation Model Merging Behaviors Trust of Entities(PDF)


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A Risk Evaluation Model Merging Behaviors Trust of Entities
Xu Yuxiong1Dou Wanfeng12
1.School of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China;2.Jiangsu Research Center of Information Security and Privacy Technology,Nanjing 210097,China
asse t eva luation vulnerab ility eva luation threat evalua tion risk eva luation in fo rm ation entropy behav ior trust o f entity
Risk ana ly sis is one o f key factors im pacting on secur ity dec ision-m ak ing in the in fo rm ation system s. R isk eva luation is the base and prem ise o f building inform a tion system security se tup. It is difficult tom ake accurate r isk quantification because of m any fuzzy and uncertain factors ex isting in r isk ana lysis of inform ation security. To address the prob lem, this paper proposes a risk eva luation m odel based on asse t eva luation, vulnerability evalua tion and threa t eva-l uation by identify ing and quan tify ing the r isk facto rs. In this mode,l the va lue, vulnerab ility and threa t o f asset were comb ined to com pute the risk o f system. Furtherm ore, consider ing the r isk of system is influenced by the behav ior of externa l entity, a risk com putation m ethod m erg ing behav iors trust of ex terna l entities w as presen ted us ing the quan tita tive ca lcu la tion o f informa tion entropy w e ight of each factor for ov ercom ing subjectiv ity of d irect assignm ent. The application o f the propo sed m odel and the exper im enta l resu lts show that the risk computation m ode lm erg ing trust im plied in behaviors o f the entities is reasonable, and can effic iently eva luate the r isk in fo rm ation system.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02