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Scheduling Algorithm for Real-time Tasks in Distributed Control System based on RMS(PDF)


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Scheduling Algorithm for Real-time Tasks in Distributed Control System based on RMS
LIU Huai HUANG Jianxin SHI Guosheng
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210042, China
d istr ibu ted con tro l system he terogeneous sy stem heur istic schedu ling a lgo rithm
D istr ibuted contro l system ( DCS) is one k ind of thew idely used d istr ibu ted rea-l tim e system s. H ow to assign tasks o f system to processors and guarantee the ir deadlines is one o f the key techn iques in DCS. Fo r every processor in DCS, RM S algor ithm is an optim a l static tasks of schedu ling a lgor ithm s. Based on the com bina tion o f heuristic a lgo rithm fo r assign ing tasks and the schedu ling a lgor ithm for un iprocessor, the paper proposes a nove-l scheduling a lgor ithm for DCS. The algorithm is a static algor ithm for assign ing tasks and its o ffset is sm all and it low ers the load of network. A t the sam e tim e, the algor ithm can equilibrate the load o f eve ry processo r. The resu lts of sim ulation show that the a lgor ithm is effective.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29