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Synthesis of Triphenyl Phosphonium Salts and their Bactericidal Properties(PDF)


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Synthesis of Triphenyl Phosphonium Salts and their Bactericidal Properties
BU Hongzhong GAO Xusheng YAO Cheng
School of Sciences, Nanjing University of Technology,Jiangsu Nanjing 210009, China
dodecy ltripheny l pho sphon ium ch lo ride ( DTPPC ) dodecy ltr ipheny l phosphonium brom ide ( DTPPB ) synthesis bacte ricida l prope rty
Two substances-dodecy l triphenyl pho sphon ium ch lor ide( DTPPC) and dodecyl tripheny l phosphonium brom ide( DTPPB) are respective ly synthesized from 1-dodecane chlor ide, 1-dodecane brom ide and tr ipheny l phosphon-i um w ith the y ie lds of 61. 4% and 70. 9%. The ir struc tures are identified by IR and elem ent ana lysis. The tw o chem -i cals are iden tified by volum etr ic m ethod of qu ino line phosphom o lybdate, and the contents o f DTPPC and DTPPB are 98. 94% and 98. 83% respective ly. Test o f the ir bacteric idal prope rties show s that bacteric idal effic iencies on sulfatereduc ing bac teria( SRB) are 100% and 99. 9% respective ly when the concentra tion is 50ug /mL and they are 99. 8% and 99. 7% on heterotroph ic bacter ia ( HB ) respective ly when it is 100 Lg /mL. DTPPC and DTPPB are effec tive bacter icides on SRB.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29