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Design and Analysis on Condensing Gas-Water Heater With Thermosyphon as Secondary Heat Exchanger(PDF)


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Design and Analysis on Condensing Gas-Water Heater With Thermosyphon as Secondary Heat Exchanger
Chen ShiyuZhang DongqingYan DandanWang ZhengTang WenwenXia HuihuiZhao Xiaobao
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
therm osyphon secondary heat exchang er la tent heat o f condensation condensing g as-wa ter heater
A condensing gas-w ater heate r, for wh ich a secondary heat exchang er based on the rmosyphon is used, is put forw ard. The ca lculation and ana ly sis o f th is system is carr ied on in this article in term s of combustion, transm it hea t and structure design etc, and a reasonable design proposal is g iv en. The ana lys is from its inv estm ent cost and econom ic bene fits is made, wh ich show s tha t the system may reta in the fo llow ing advan tages: h igh effic iency of heat transfe r, sa fety and credib ility, and short investm ent recove ry per iod. It is believed that it has directive sign ificance on the futurem arket o f condensing gas-w ater heater.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02