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The Research on Calculating Thermodynamic Properties of the New Refrigerant HFC161(PDF)


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The Research on Calculating Thermodynamic Properties of the New Refrigerant HFC161
Wang HuiHuang Hu
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
H FC161 simu la tion refrig erant thermodynam ic property
HFC161 has been one o f them ost concerned focus of the research on therm odynam ic prope rties in the wo rld in the recent years. It is used as one of the alterna tive refrig erants, but its prope rty data is ra re, and the published re?? ports about it are lim ited. Based on the features o f the air??condition ing system simu la tion, w e establish the therm odynam?? ic properties ca lcu la tion modu le based on the Equation of S tate( E oS), and m ake a practical process o f it. The ca lculation resu lts a re compared w ith the pub lished HFC161 the rmodynam ic properties data, and show that the accuracy m eets the eng ineer ing requirem ent.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02