[1]谢海燕,谢 勇,顾敏芬,等.无线激光打靶器系统建模与设计[J].南京师范大学学报(工程技术版),2005,05(01):068-71.
X IE Haiyan,X IE Yong,GU M infen,et al.Modeling and Design of a New Laser Target Practice System[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2005,05(01):068-71.
- 卷:
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- Title:
Modeling and Design of a New Laser Target Practice System
- 作者:
谢海燕1; 谢 勇1; 顾敏芬1; 梁忠诚2
1. 南京师范大学物理科学与技术学院, 江苏南京210097;
2. 南京师范大学电气与自动化工程学院, 江苏南京210042
- Author(s):
X IE Haiyan1; X IE Yong1; GU M infen1; LIANG Zhongcheng2
1. S chool ofPhysical Science and Techno logy, Nan jing Norm alU n ivers ity, Jiangsu Nan jing, 210097, Ch ina;
2. School of E lectrical andA utom ation Engin eering, Nan jing Norma lU n ivers ity, Jiangsu Nan jing 210042, Ch ina
- 关键词:
无线激光打靶器; 系统模型; 优化设计
- Keywords:
laser targe t practice; model sy stem; optim ize and design
- 摘要:
无线激光打靶器利用对信号的编码和解码来实现靶与枪的分离. 即采用数字脉冲编码方式对控制系统信号进行调制, 将信息加载在光脉冲序列上发射出去. 光信号经过大气和光纤的传播, 由光电二极管探测阵列利用扫描和解码过程将其接收, 并转换成电信号, 再经过放大、整形后送到单片机中进行处理. 最后利用IC卡将处理过的数据传送到微机中进行计算、修正和模拟. 此外, 通过对大气衰减系数、放大器放大能力、光电二极管接收灵敏度等一些参数进行分析, 建立了整个无线激光打靶器的光电系统数学模型. 根据该光电系统数学模型, 可清楚地知道各个参数对整个系统性能的影响, 以及各个参数相互之间的关系, 并可计算出在一定的条件下能够实现的射击距离. 为今后对整个系统的改进和优化提供了理论依据.
- Abstract:
The paper introduces the basic pr inc iple of the laser targe t practice system, and specifica lly illustra tes the w ho le design of dev ice from hardware and so ftw are aspects. The system uses coding and decod ing o f inform ation to realize the sepa ration between the targ et and the gun. Name ly, it uses dig ita l pulse codingm e thod tom odulate the signa l o f contro l system, and send ou t a series of light pu lses loaded w ith inform a tion. By them edium o f air and po lym er optical fibe r, an array of photoe lectric d iodes conve rt optica l signa ls rece ived in scann ing process and decod ing process into e lectr ic signals. Am plified and adjusted, the e lectric s igna l is sent to S ing le ChipM ic rocom puter to judge and process. IC ca rd is used to exchange the data between the targe t system and the com pute rwhere the data w ill be further pro cessed. In add ition, the paper ana lyzes such param eters as atmo spheric attenuation coeffic ient, the am pl-i fied ab ility of amp lifier and rece iv ing sensib ility o f pho to electr ic d iode to set up am athem aticm ode l o f the pho toe lectr ic system. By using it, we can know c lear ly the in fluences each pa rame ter has on the en tire system s’ perform ance, relationsh ip among each other, and can calcu late the shoo ing distancewh ich is realized in som e g iven cond itions, thus prov iding a theoretical bas is of farther im prov ing and optim izing the entire system.
[ 1] 梁忠诚, 顾敏芬. 无线激光打靶机[ P]. 中国专利: 00220660. 9, 2000.
[ 2] 吴立新. 实用电子技术手册[M ] . 北京: 机械工业出版社, 2002.
[ 3] 贺安之, 阎大鹏. 现代传感器原理及应用[M ]. 北京: 宇航出版社, 1995.
- 备注/Memo:
基金项目: 江苏省光电技术重点实验室开放基金资助项目(K99019)和江苏省高校自然科学基金资助项目( 01KJB140004) .
作者简介: 谢海燕( 1980 - ) , 女, 硕士研究生, 主要从事光电技术及系统方面的学习和研究. E-ma il: q iaqia- 80@ sina. com
通讯联系人: 梁忠诚( 1958 - ) , 教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事光电技术及系统等方面的教学与研究. E-m ail:zcliang@ n jnu. edu. cn
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