 YAO Jie,LIN Jun,GU Xiaotian,et al.The Infrared Spectroscopic Character of Ilex Leave Surface[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2006,06(04):041-44.





The Infrared Spectroscopic Character of Ilex Leave Surface
南京师范大学分析测试中心, 江苏南京210097
YAO JieLIN JunGU XiaotianWANG KeyuMO Xiangying
Analysis and Testing Center,Naming Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
植物生理学 红外光谱 ATR 树叶
p lant physio logy in fra red spec troscopy ATR leaves
用红外衰减全反射技术(ATR)研究了各生长期和不同环境中冬青树叶表面的红外光谱特征.当用黑色塑料袋套在冬青枝条上48 h后,树叶表面的水分有所增加,其它成分变化甚微.当用透明塑料袋套在枝条上48 h后,树叶表面酯类物质的特征峰1 730、1 682 cm-1增加,且峰强度相当.当冬青叶片与甲苯气体接触48 h后,叶片反面酯类物质的特征峰(1 730、1 168、1 039 cm-1)有所减少.同样,叶片正面的酯类物质(1 730、1 168、1 039 cm-1)也有所减少.扫描电镜能谱也证实了叶片反面酯类物质确有减少.
In th is paper, the infrared spectrum of chem ica l com po sition o f ilex leave su rface and its changew ith env-i ronm ent have been stud ied by infrared spec tro scopy w ith OMN I sam pler. If cover ing ilex leaves w ith black plastic pack ing sock fo r 48 h, the am ount o fw ater on the leaves increases. W hile covering ilex leavesw ith transparent packing sock fo r the sam e time, the peaks ( 1 730, 1 682 cm- 1 ) on the leaves surface increase and the he ights o f both peaks are sim ilar. W hen the leaves contact in 100μL to luene vapor for 48 h, the peaks ( ( 1 730, 1 168, 1 039 cm- 1 ) on the reverse surface of ilex leaves decrease a bit. It m eans tha t the am ount o f este r decreases. A lso the am ount o f the o ther h ind of ester ( 1 730, 1 168, 1 039 cm- 1 ) on the po sition surface o f ilex leaves decreases. The conclus ion has been proved by the data of SEM.


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作者简介: 姚 杰( 1958-) , 女, 高级工程师, 主要从事光谱分析的教学和研究. E-m ail: yaojie@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29