 Xu Jianfeng,Shen Weigan,Peng Wanxin,et al.Study on Inhibitation of the Tube Formation by RNA Introduced by Adenovirus by its Interference With and Decrease of VEGF Transcription[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2007,07(04):084-87.





Study on Inhibitation of the Tube Formation by RNA Introduced by Adenovirus by its Interference With and Decrease of VEGF Transcription
南京师范大学生命科学学院, 江苏南京210097
Xu JianfengShen WeiganPeng WanxinLi Chaojun
School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
血管生成 血管内皮生长因子 RNA干扰
ang iogenesis VEGF RNA i
This study uses the hom o logous recomb ination technique to construct a recomb inan t adenov irusAdH 1-siRNA /VEGF ta rgeting VEGF infects hum an endo the lia l ce lls ( HUVEC ), obse rves the inter fe rence o f the adenov irus w ith the pro liferation ofHUVEC in v itro and the tube fo rm ation. The exper iem ent of rea-l tim e reve rse transcr iption- PCR show s tha t this adenov irus can espec ia lly decrease level o f the VEGF mRNA o fHUVEC. Com pared w ith control g roup, themRNA expression o fVEGF decreased to 50%. AdH 1-siRNA /VEGF can effic iently inte rfere the pro lifeya-t ion o fHUVEC. N ine day s after infection o f adenov irus, the ave rage cell number o f contro l g roup and vector g roup are 31. 5 × 104 /LL and 28 × 104 /LL respective ly, that o f groups respective ly infected w ith AdH 1-siRNA /VEGF are 21. 5 × 104 /LL, and can effic iently inte rfere the tube form ation o fHUVEC onM aty ig e.l Ave rage ly, the tube number of everyH PF is 10. 75 in the contro l g roup, and 10. 25 in the vecto r group. In the group treated w ith AdH 1-siRNA / VEGF, there are 7 tubes in theHPE. AdH 1-siRNA /VEGF can inte rfere tube form a tion.


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作者简介: 许剑锋( 1964-) , 硕士, 主要从事分子生物学方面的学习与研究. E-m a il: xjf646566@ sina. com
通讯联系人: 李朝军( 1966-) , 研究员, 博士生导师, 主要从事细胞生物学方面的教学与研究. E-ma il:C haojun Le@ Yah oo. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29