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Design of Dynamic Weight Sensor Based on ADuC7026
王宪菊 李 超
南京师范大学电气与自动化工程学院, 江苏南京210042
Wang XianjuLi Chao
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
动态称重 数据采集 ADuC7026 RS-232 VC++
dynam icw e ight data co llection ADuC7026 RS-232 VC+ +
设计了一种基于精密数据转换器ADuC7026的快速动态称重传感器.整个系统采用上、下位机的模式,下位机(传感器)主要完成信号放大、A/D转换、数据采集、数据处理和数据传输;上位机(计算机)通过V isual C++创建一个图形用户界面,此界面用于参数设定和数据接收,上位机和下位机之间采用RS-232通讯协议.在介绍了系统的硬件组成和软件设计后,针对动态称重的特点,提出了一种新的数据处理方法—触发函数,并给出了相应的程序流程图.该系统电路简单、工作稳定、精度高、参数设置灵活.
Based on ADuC7026, an accurate data converter, a fast dynam icw e ighing sensor is designed. Thewho le system adopts upper com puter and subordinate com pute r, between wh ich Pro to co lRS-232 is used. The subo rd inate compu-t e r ( sensor) is ma in ly used to accom plish amp lify ing signa ls, A /D conversion, data co llection, processing, and transm ission. The upper computer ( com pute r) uses V isua l C+ + to design a g raph ica l use r in terface, wh ich is used fo r parame ter setting and da ta rece iv ing. H av ing introduced the hardwa re com ponents and softw are design, a new data processing m ethod-trigger function is propo sed, and fo r the character istics o f dynam ic we igh ing, the corresponding program flow chart is g iven. Fina lly, a graph ica l user inte rface is introduced s imp ly, wh ich is based onM FC. The system has such advantages: sim ple c ircuit, stab le wo rking , h igh accuracy and alignm ent to se t param ete r, and thus has a good develop ing foreg round.


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通讯联系人: 李 超, 博士, 教授, 研究方向: 机电一体化工程. E-m ail:lichao@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-02