 Feng Jiajia,Lin Jun,Gu Zhenggui.Study on Technics’s Conditions of Extracting Solanesol From Biomass[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2009,09(03):051-54.





Study on Technics’s Conditions of Extracting Solanesol From Biomass
南京师范大学化学与环境科学学院, 江苏南京210097
Feng JiajiaLin JunGu Zhenggui
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
茄尼醇 溶剂提取法 萃取溶剂
solanesolso lvent ex traction extracted solvent
改进了传统的溶剂提纯法,以混合溶剂A为萃取溶剂,以新鲜烘干后的烟叶为原料提取茄尼醇粗品,产品提取率明显高于原有溶剂.确定了合适的工艺条件:溶剂比为100 mL溶剂/15 g烟叶,萃取浸泡时间为5 h,萃取次数为2次.所得茄尼醇产品质量稳定,有效降低了提取生物质中茄尼醇的生产成本,为该产品进一步提纯创造了条件.
A new m ethod of ex trac ting so lanesol from biom ass ( such as fresh tobacco leaves) w as proposed in th is paper. The effects of m a in facto rs on extraction w ere d iscussed and the optim um cond itions w ere as fo llow ing: the so lvent w as m ixed hydrocarbons A, the raw m ater ia lw as dry fresh tobacco leaves, them ass ra tio of so lvent to dry tobacco crude w as 100 mL /15 g, the times of ex traction was tw ice, and the ex tracting tim e was 5 h. The product of solaneso l thus obta ined is stab le in qua lity, and the producing cost of ex tracting so laneso l from b iom asses is g reatly reduced, and hence the cond itions are created for further pur ifying the products.


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基金项目: 江苏省普通高校自然科学研究计划( 07K JD530114)资助项目.
通讯联系人: 林 军, 博士, 副教授, 研究方向: 化工分离. E-mail:linjun@ njnu. edu. cn.
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23